Isolating and Parititioning (`iptables`)

You can use iptables to simulate things like network partitions or isolation. It works great along with tc for creating hazardous network situations.

You can also use iptables to do some simulations of link related failure, for example, to drop 10% of all incoming packets. You can use whichever you prefer.

Be careful, you could accidentally lock yourself out if you're over SSH!

iptables works on the concept of "chains". As a packet travels through your system it will be processed by these chains in a given order. The Arch Linux guide on IP tables has a great diagram:

                             XXX     Network    XXX
 +-------------+              +------------------+
 |table: filter| <---+        | table: nat       |
 |chain: INPUT |     |        | chain: PREROUTING|
 +-----+-------+     |        +--------+---------+
       |             |                 |
       v             |                 v
 [local process]     |           ****************          +--------------+
       |             +---------+ Routing decision +------> |table: filter |
       v                         ****************          |chain: FORWARD|
****************                                           +------+-------+
Routing decision                                                  |
****************                                                  |
       |                                                          |
       v                        ****************                  |
+-------------+       +------>  Routing decision  <---------------+
|table: nat   |       |         ****************
|chain: OUTPUT|       |               +
+-----+-------+       |               |
      |               |               v
      v               |      +-------------------+
+--------------+      |      | table: nat        |
|table: filter | +----+      | chain: POSTROUTING|
|chain: OUTPUT |             +--------+----------+
+--------------+                      |
                             XXX    Network     XXX

Prevent Ingress by IP/Port:

iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP

You can remove the -s or -dport 25 to have the rule apply more generally.

Allow It Again:

iptables -D INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP

Prevent Egress by IP/Port:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 25 -j DROP

Drop 10% of Ingress Packets

iptables -A INPUT -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.1 -j DROP

Try to avoid going over 15% packet loss, TCP starts to seriously degrade at that point.

List All Chains and Rules

iptables --list


  • Check the DNS provider of eth0(with systemd-resolve --status) Try preventing outgoing DNS requests (UDP port 25), does nslookup work with What about if you only block one of the DNS servers?

  • Isolate a client (such as psql) from communicating with a server. Too easy? Try isolating a master from a replica.

  • Use tc and iptables both to introduce packet loss, which is easier?

Last updated