Using a Cloud Node

Start by cloning this repository.

git clone

If you haven't already head on over to DigitalOcean and Sign Up (referral), then get a Read/Write API token. Then, create a file in the working directory called terraform.tfvars:

digitalocean_token = "your token here"

Additionally, ensure you have an SSH key set up.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

Next, we'll run Terraform. This will cost you money. The currently the default machine size costs $20 USD per month, billed hourly.

terraform apply

You'll see one SSH key created, and one node created. It will take awhile to provision (give it at least 30 minutes).

When Terraform is done it will output an IP. That's your machine, so shell in and let's start exploring!


When you're all done you can destroy the machine, clearing any ongoing charges.

terraform destroy

Last updated